This is a website of the Intellectual Property Committee of JBMIA,

the Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association


< What are counterfeit products? >


Counterfeit products* are fraudulent items that are presented as genuine products (official products), whose sale is against the law. Many consumable products for printers are counterfeit products. Such counterfeit products are in wide circulation around the world.


* In general, products that infringe upon trademark, design, or patent rights are known as counterfeit products, but here, those products that infringe on trademarks (brand names, logo marks, etc.) and are presented as genuine products are particularly referred to as counterfeit products.


The external appearance of a counterfeit product is made to resemble a genuine product, and in many cases it is difficult to distinguish the two. When buying a product, the possibility that it is counterfeit should be considered and measures should be taken to avoid damage.

